Zefsa II

Instructions for Zefsa II

Building the Executables

>Decide where the main directory for ZEFSA II will be.  A big, local disk would be the ideal location.  Make a directory called zefsaII.  This directory will contain all of the ZEFSA II code.  Move the files zefsaII.tar.gz and examples.tar.tz into that directory.  Then type
    gunzip *.gz
    tar -xvf *.tar
This will unzip and untar the ZEFSA II files. Type
    setenv ZEFSADIR directory
where directory is the fully-qualified pathname of your zefsaII directory, with no trailing slash.

You next need to compile the ZEFSA II source codes to make executables.  Go into the zefsaII/src directory.  Examine the file "Makefile" to ensure that it will work on your system.  You will need either a valid cc or gcc ANSI C compiler.  Then type
    make clean
    make banneal
    make temper
    make compute_PXD
    make check_PXD
    make xtl_to_zef
    make do_hist.ex

Now that the executables have successfully been generated, move them to the bin directory
    mv banneal ../bin
    mv temper ../bin
    mv compute_PXD ../bin
    mv check_PXD ../bin
    mv xtl_to_zef ../bin
    mv do_hist.ex ../bin

If you require any other executables, compile and move them to the bin directory as well.

Making the Required Input Files for a New Structure

First,  read the Data Requirements.

Now, let's say that you are going to solve the structure called new1.  The first action you need to take is to construct the input diffraction pattern for ZEFSA II.  There is a script to help you do this in the $ZEFSADIR/pxd directory.  First create a .xtl file (using Cerius2, for example) with the unit cell and symmetry that you want.  Place nT atoms at arbitrary or random locations in this unit cell, where nT is the number of crystallographically distinct T-atoms (e.g. Si) you want.  Copy the file input.xtl that you just made to the $ZEFSADIR/pxd directory.  Now edit the file gen.input.  You need to change the -100 in the line
    -100                     # USER SUPPLIED actual n of atoms (density)
to the total number of T-atoms you want in the unit cell (i.e. the T-atom density times the unit cell volume).  Next you need to change the -200 in the line
    -200                 # USER SUPPLIED random seed
to any positive integer.  This is the random number seed used by ZEFSA II.  The first value of the seed could be 1.  It could then be incremented for each succeeding runs.  The xtl_to_input script by default will create all refelctions out to two theta = 50 degrees for a Cu Kalpha wavelength of 1.54056.  You will need to modify these values on lines 34 and 35 of the script should you want different ones.  Peaks closer than 0.1 degrees are combined into composite peaks.  If the "comp" flag is given, the two theta tolerance on whether to combine peaks is specified by the "sep" parameter on line 35, and the tolerance can be specified on the d-spacings by using the "dcomp" flag instead.  Peaks in the range from "min" to "max" are output.  (For users of previous versions of ZEFSA II: the generic.pxd file is now automatically generated and no longer required to be supplied by the user.)

Now in the $ZEFSADIR/pxd directory type
    xtl_to_input new1 input
This will create the file new1.pxd.  You will get two lines of error messages about "ERROR: EOF".  This will happen three times.  This is ok.  Any other ERROR messages are serious and must be fixed.  If all is well, the files new1.pxd and new1.1 will now exist.  The first line of new1.pxd is one of the
    X-RAY lambda
    NEUTRON lambda
    BOTH X-ray_lambda neutron_lambda
Where lambda is the wavelength of the radiation.  The default new1.pxd is setup for X-RAY scattering with a Cu Kalpha source.  If you have, for example, synchrotron data, change the wavelength to the appropriate value.  The second line of the file contains the number of reflections in the file.  Each line after that contains h,k,l, multiplicity, I_xray(h,k,l), I_neutron(h,k,l) if it exists, and the weight of the peak. In some rare cases, the file new1.pxd may have a higher symmetry, i.e. larger values of the multiplicities, than it should.  This rare condition can be avoided by using a zero merging distance in the gen.input file before running xtl_to_input and editing the generated file new1.1 to use the correct merging distance.

The file new1.pxd lists all of the reflections and multiplicities.  The intensities are random, however.  You need to copy your experimental intensities for each hkl reflection into this file.  If the intensity in new1.pxd for a given hkl is negative, this reflection has been grouped into a composite peak.  Composites occur because the spacing between distinct peaks is too small to resolve experimentally.  So, all peaks close to each other are grouped into a single composite peak.  All of the reflections that have been grouped into a composite have a negative -1 intensity except for the last one.  So, sum up the experimental intensities of all the relfections in the composite and place this summed intensitiy in the last reflection of the group. Remember, the intensities in this file must be multiplied by the multiplicities.

The last column of the file new1.pxd is the weight of the peak.  Larger weights mean the peak intensity is more uncertain and should be counted less in the comparision between experiment and calculation.  Typically, weights of 1 are used for intensities below 100.  A weight of 2 is used for 100 < I(hkl) < 200.  A weight of 3 is used for 200 < I(hkl) < 300.  A weight of 4 is used for 300 < I(hkl) < 500.  A weight of 5 is used for 500 < I(hkl) < 1000.  Remember that the maximum I(hkl) should be scaled to 1000.

There are some parameters that you can vary in the pxd creation script xtl_to_input.  The default values are quite reasonable.  These parameters are given as command line arguments to the program compute_PXD within the script.  The parameter "sep" is the maximum separation between peaks that will be grouped into composites.  It should be approximately the full width at half maximum experimental resoluion (in degrees).  Any relfections with intensity below "int" will not be included.  This should always be 0.0 (especially since this script does not know the structure and hence does not know the true intensities).  Only reflections with two theta between "min" and "max" will be output.

It is very important that the file new1.pxd be valid.  It is worthwhile to recheck the validity of this file.

This script xtl_to_input has also made the other required input file for ZEFSA II.  This file is called "new1.1".  Examine it to make sure it is ok.  If you have no template molecules, create a final line of this file that contains the word "END".  If templates, place the number of templates and the molecular information at the end of the file, followed by an "END".  For two templates, one would use

MOLECULE   phi_max   phi_min   n_atoms    # for molecule 1
    atom_type 1       x  y  z  Debye_Waller occupancy
    atom_type 2       x  y  z  Debye_Waller occupancy
    atom_type n_atom  x  y  z  Debye_Waller occupancy
MOLECULE   phi_max   phi_min   n_atoms    # for molecule 2
    atom_type 1       x  y  z  Debye_Waller occupancy
    atom_type 2       x  y  z  Debye_Waller occupancy
    atom_type n_atom  x  y  z  Debye_Waller occupancy

n_mol is the number of molecules.  phi_max and phi_min are the maximum and minimum angular displacements (in degrees) of each molecule. n_atoms is the number of atoms in the molecule.  The information about the atoms in molecule is listed as above.  An example atom line would be
      C -0.005282     3.653390     1.076101   1.0000  0.2500
The coordinates of the atoms in the molecule are given in real space, in Angstroms.  The molecule will be rigidly rotated and translated by ZEFSA II.  Symmetry will be applied to the molecule to generate all of the symmetrically equivalent templates.  So, if the molecular density were known to imply only one molecule per unit cell on average, the occupancy should be set at 1/(number of elements in the space group).  The example line above was for the space P2/m, which has four elements.  A Debye Waller factor of 1.0 is a good default value.

Example .pxd and .1 files can be found in the examples directory.  The files new.pxd and new.1 could be created by copying and modify an example rather than running the scripts described above.  The script xtl_to_input needs to be run only once for a new structure.  Input files for multiple runs (changing the random number seed, density, etc) can be created by simply copying the new1.1 file to new1.2 and making the one or two required changes on new1.2.

If you are unsure about the exact density, space group, or number of unique T-atoms, make multiple input files.  One for each possible combination of density, space group, nT, etc.

Running Simulated Annealing

Always try simulated annealing first when solving a structure.  This is because simulated annealing is somewhat easier to set up.  If it is successful, it is also faster.  Typically, several simulated annealing runs would be done on a given input file, changing only the random number seed.  If the structure is not solved in, say, 10 runs, then parallel tempering should be attempted.

To run the simulated annealing, you first need to set up a data directory.  Create a directory such as $ZEFSADIR/new1.  Then in that directory, create the directories run1.  Copy new1.1 and new1.pxd to ZEFSADIR/new1/run1.  Now create nine copies of new1.1.  Call them new1.2, new1.3, ..., new1.10.  Now edit the files $ZEFSADIR/new1/run1/new1.* to make the random number seeds different.  Perhaps use seed=1 for new1.1 , seed = 2 for new1.2, and so on.

You can now do the runs!  You can set up a batch file to do all the runs.  The following would work:

for x in 1
cd run$x
for y in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
nice -19 ../../bin/banneal < new1.$y
mv messages messages.$y
mv hist.oogl hist.oogl.$y
cd ..

This file could be called "go".  It should be in the $ZEFSADIR/new1 directory.  The file must be made executable by typing
    chmod +x go
Then you can run the script with
   ./go >/dev/null &
After some time, you will have ten output files.  The files messages.* will list the coordinates and energies produced by the simulated annealing.  You can view the output graphicaly.  To see the output of new1.1, type
    geomview hist.oogl.1
Geomview must be installed for this to work.  Also, the file dodec3.off must be in the same directory as the hist.oogl.1 file in order for geomview to work properly (copy it from the $ZEFSADIR/share directory).  Note that the geomview command can be executed even if the run is not yet complete; the data is written continuously to the file hist.oogl and can be viewed at any time. The molecular templates will be displayed in this output if they are present.  The templates created by symmetry are present, but are not displayed. 

Scanning the Output (Old, Unsupported Code)

If you are doing many runs, you may find it difficult to deal with the large amount of output data.  There are some old programs in the file $ZEFDIR/scan to help with this.  These programs will collect the topologically unique structures produced by very many runs.  These programs can be compiled with
    make clean
    make scan3d
    make scan3d_connected
    make display3d

Two variables need to be set in the file scan_it to begin the scanning.  First, change the value of nT from 5 to your value in the line
    n=5    # USER SUPPLIED
Next change the run directory from new1 in the line
    rundir="new1"                    # USER SUPPLIED

Copy the file start_n5.dat to run directory $ZEFSADIR/$rundir.  Change the "5" in the name of the file to your value of nT.  Three things need to be changed in this old-format file.  First, change the values of nT, number of symmetry operators, and number of total T-atoms in the line
       5           4     12
Change the next line to have the number "4" nT times.  Finally, change the a,b,c; alpha, beta, gamma; and space group operators to those for your system.  This information can be copied from the file new1.1.  Finally, create nT lines containing the number "1" following the space group operators.

Now type scan_it in the directory $ZEFSADIR/scan.  This will collect all of the run data into one big file fort.2.  If you are running with non-standard parameters, you may need to change the number 39 to something else in the file scan_it in the line tail -n +39 ....  This line is deleting the first 38 lines in the run data files.  If that is too few or too many lines for a run with non-standard parameters, scan_it may produce mangled output.  Now type scan3d.ex.  Input the maximum energy for which you would like to see structures (structures with energies greater than this will not be collected).  You may wish to redirect the output to a file, such as
    scan3d.ex > run1.scanout
Copy the file fort.3 to run1.scan.  If you want to include only three-dimensionally connected structures, type scan3d_connected.ex instead.  Finally, to create postscript versions of the collected output, use display3d.ex.  First, copy fort.3 to fort.2, then type display3d.ex  Give a title for the output.  Then type 1.  Then type the same maximum energy input to scan3d.ex.

After this, you should have the following files

You can view the structures and the coordination sequences by printing the PostScript files pos*.ps.  You can also view the structures on the screen with any PostScript viewer.  To figure out which run produced a given pos*.ps unique structure, you can search through the runs to find the energy "e saved". Omit the last digit, which may be rounded.

For some reason, display3d sometimes does not make all the bonds it should.  Also, note that the bonds created by scan3d and display3d are with an old algorithm.  Only for very good structures is the old algorithm be equivalent to that in ZEFSA II.

Three Examples of Simulated Annealing

Several examples of successful runs can be found in the examples directory.  A good one to start with is $ZEFSADIR/examples/LTL.  First edit the ltl.1 file to change the
    /usr/scratch2/mwdeem/zefsaII/DIST/share  #data files
to reflect where the shared data files for ZEFSA II are. Then simulated annealing can be run from $ZEFSADIR/examples/LTL with the command
    $ZEFSADIR/bin/banneal <ltl.1
After a few minues, the hist.oogl and message files will be created.  You can view the output graphically with the command
    geomview hist.oogl.
You will see a movie of the output.  The final structure should be that of LTL (LTL is very easy to solve, and we have always solved it in one run; on an unlucky system one may need to try another run with a different random number seed).


The output can be collated with the scan_it script described above.  Simply create a directory $ZEFSADIR/examples/LTL/run1.  Copy the message file to run1/message.1.  Then from the $ZEFSADIR/scan directory, run the scan_it script.  You will need to set the rundir variable in that script as well as the value of nT.  Note that the file start_n2.dat  already already exists in the directory $ZEFSADIR/examples/LTL.  Then type
Enter 1000 as the maximum energy value.  Several topologically unique structures  may be collected from the run.  The lowest one, found at the lowest temperature, should be LTL.  The coordination sequence for LTL is
    4   9  17  29  46  69  98 131 162 187   752
    4  10  21  35  49  66  89 117 150 190   731

Another good example is SSZ35.  This is a material made by Stacey I. Zones at Chevron.  This material is somewhat harder to solve than LTL because it contains 8 unique T-atoms in the low-symmetry setting  derived by the inital indexing of the diffraction pattern. The diffraction data in $ZEFSADIR/examples/SSZ35 is real synchrotron data.  Again, edit the file ssz.1 to set the correct value of the data files directory.  Then run simulated annealing:
    $ZEFSADIR/bin/banneal <ssz.1
After half an hour or so,  the hist.oogl and message files will be created.  You can view the output graphically with the command
    geomview hist.oogl.
At the very end the SSZ35 structure should appear.   (Again, multiple runs of ZEFSA II may be needed  on unlucky computers.)  You may see that some T-atoms have 4 green bonds in addition to a blue bond.  The green bonds are real "bonds" created by ZEFSA II.  The blue bonds are repulsive interactions between T-atoms that are a little too close.  Further refinement of the structure (e.g. by DLS76 or more runs with ZEFSA II) would tend to remove these repulsive interactions.


The results can be collated with $ZEFSADIR/scan/scan_it as described above.  Create the directory $ZEFSADIR/examples/SSZ35/run1.  Copy the message file to run1/message.1.  Then from the $ZEFSADIR/scan directory, run the scan_it script.  You will need to set the rundir variable in that script as well as the value of nT.  Note that the file start_n8.dat  already already exists in the directory $ZEFSADIR/examples/SSZ35.  Then type
Enter 1000 as the maximum energy value.  Probably only one topologically unique structure will be collected from the run.  That structure should be SSZ35.  The coordination sequence for SSZ35 is
    4  11  19  36  54  84 110 146 179 226    869
    4  11  20  31  58  84 117 137 174 229    865
    4  11  22  39  55  82 111 149 188 223    884
    4  11  22  39  55  82 111 149 188 223    884
    4  11  23  36  59  80 113 147 183 227    883
    4  11  23  36  59  80 113 147 183 227    883
    4  12  20  34  56  88 114 143 173 224    868
    4  12  20  34  56  88 114 143 173 224    868

A final example with a molecular template is MCM47. 


This is a material made by Raul Lobo at The University of Delaware.  Again, the diffraction data in $ZEFSADIR/examples/MCM47 is real synchrotron data.  The input file shows how a molecular template can be included.  Many runs were made to solve this structure. For each possible symmetry and density, ten runs with different random number seeds were performed.  Only the run with the correct symmetry of P21/m and density of 18 T-atoms per unit cell is shown in the run4 directory. The file big_go was used to generate the data. In the run4 directory, the best result came from run number 8, and the .oogl output can be viewed.  The correct structure has the following coordination sequence:
    4   12  20  35  69  105 125 168 231 282 1051
    4   12  20  35  69  105 125 168 231 282 1051
    4   12  21  39  67  99  129 172 228 275 1046
    4   12  21  39  67  99  129 172 228 275 1046
    4   12  24  42  66  98  130 172 228 278 1054
    4   12  28  44  64  100 144 178 215 277 1066

The coordination sequence indicates that there are only four topologically unique T-atoms, and the NMR data confirms this. Indeed, a higher symmetry setting of Cmcm could have been used. Note that the real material is layered, so that the long 3.9 A bonds are not present. Interestingly, the template was not well localized by ZEFSA II.

Running Parallel Tempering

For about 10% of the known zeolites, simulated annealing is unable to solve the structure.  This is because the structure determination becomes more difficult with a greater number of unique T-atoms and an increased degree of merging.  Simulated annealing should always be tried first on a new, unknown structure since it is somewhat easier to set up.

Parallel tempering is able to solve all of the known zeolite materials.  In parallel tempering, serveral systems are simulated at  different, constant temperates, and configurations are ocasionally swapped between systems at adjacent temperatures.  This is in constrast to simulated annealing, where a single system is simulated at a temperature that is slowly decreased.  Parallel tempering is an exact statistical mechanics method, whereas simulated annealing is an approximate method.

You will need three input files to run parallel tempering.  Two of them are the same as for simulated annealing.  First, create a directory $ZEFSADIR/new1/temper.  Copy the new1.1 file created for simulated annealing to $ZEFSADIR/new1/temper/new1.temper.  Copy the file new1.pxd to $ZEFSADIR/new1/temper/new1.pxd.  The temperatures and acceptance ratio information in new1.temper are ignored in parallel tempering. Specifically, these lines from gen.input must be present but are ignored
     3.00 1.0 1.00        # max and min proposed move amplitude (Angstroms)
                          #   and adjust factor
     300.0 5.0 1          # initial temp / min temp / Sweeps in init heating
     0.2 0.3              # acceptance ratio that defines melted phase
     0.80                 # alpha: temperature reduction factor

The line
     5 2 100              # Therm Sweeps / SA steps / granularity
in new1.temper that contains the termalization length, number of
steps, and granularity is used.  Typically, no termalization steps are
needed.  A total of approximately steps * granularity Monte Carlo moves will be
performed on each system.  A good choice for the new value of this line is
     0 1000 1             # Therm Sweeps / MC steps / granularity

A separate file named "temperatures" must also be created in
$ZEFSADIR/new1/temper.  The format of this file is
    T_1 radius_1 update_probability_1 [d_phi_1]
    T_n radius_n update_probability_n [d_phi_n]

The first line of this file contains the number of systems in the parallel tempering scheme.  Typically, this should be 5 or 6.  The next lines list the temperature, proposed move amplitudes, and relative probability of updating the system.  If molecular templates are included the in system, the proposed rotation amplitude (in degrees) is listed in the last column. The last line of the file contains the probability of updating a system instead of performing a swapping event.  A good choice is 0.9.  T_1 is the lowest temperature, and T_n is the highest temperature.  The lowest temperature should be the lowest one used in the simulated annealing runs.  The highest temperature should be the highest one used in the simulated annealing runs.  The intermediate temperatures should be such that the energy histograms of system i and system i+1 overlap.  This criterion is what actually specifies the number of systems once the maximum and minimum temperatures have been chosen.  Choosing 5 or 6 systems and spacing the temperatures exponentially between the minimum and maximum usually works well.

Parallel tempering can be run with the command
     $ZEFSADIR/bin/temper < new1.temper
After some time, several files will be created.  The message file contains the output associated with system 0 (the lowest temperature system).  Also created will be the files hist_*.oogl.  These are the .oogl files for the systems at the different temperatures.  Most useful will be the file hist_0.oogl.  Finally, the files hist_*.ene are also created.  These files contain the energy and framework position information for each of the systems.

You can view the output graphically with the command
     geomview hist_0.oogl
The molecular templates will be displayed in this output if they are present.  The templates created by symmetry are present, but are not displayed.  Alternatively, the .oolg file can be created and viewed from the associated .ene file with the command oolg_confs:
     cat new1.oogl hist_0.ene | $ZEFSADIR/oogl_confs | geomview -c -
The file new1.oogl is a copy of new1.temper except that the last lines giving the silicon positions have beem removed.  The final line containing the "END" has been removed as well.   The .oogl file displayed this way will not contain any molecular templates.

The histograms of the energies of each system in parallel tempering can be constructed with the do_hist script. The do_hist script is in the directory $ZEFSADIR/src. The values of the variables max, min, and dx may need to be modified to suit the structure being solved. The variables min and max define the minimum and maximum energy values of the histogram. The variable dx defines the width of the histogram bins. A smaller dx gives a finer detail. A larger dx gives a smoother looking histogram. These values show up in the lines
    set min=-700        # USER SUPPLIED
    set max=2000        # USER SUPPLIED
    set dx=10           # USER SUPPLIED
in the file $ZEFSADIR/src/do_hist. Finally, the do_hist script needs to be modified if the number of systems is not n=6. The following line
    foreach x (0 1 2 3 4 5)        # 6 systems
should contain the numbers 0, 1, ..., n-1. To construct the histograms, simply type
This will create the files hist_*.dat. These files can be plotted with a program, as in
    xmgr hist_*.dat

One Example of Parallel Tempering

An example parallel tempering run can be found in $ZEFSADIR/examples/MFI/temper.  MFI is the most complex zeolite known, and its structure could not be found easily with simulated annealing.  We decided to use 6 systems, with the temperatures spaced between 8 and 160.  We updated the systems at the two lowest temperatures twice as often as those at the highest temperatures, since the correlation times at the lower temperatures are longer.  We choose the move amplitudes between 0.6 Angstroms at the lowest temperature and 2.0 Angstroms at the highest temperature.  We choose a probability of performing a normal Monte Carlo move versus swapping of 0.9.

To run this example, first edit the line
    /usr/scratch2/mwdeem/zefsaII/DIST/share  # data path
in $ZEFSADIR/examples/MFI/temper to reflect where the data files are.  Then parallel tempering can be run from ZEFSADIR/examples/MFI/temper with the command
    $ZEFSADIR/bin/temper < mfi.temper
After an hour or so, the .oogl, .ene, and messages files should be created.  They can be viewed as desribed above:
    geomview hist_0.oogl



The results can be collated with $ZEFSADIR/scan/scan_it as described above.  Create the directory $ZEFSADIR/examples/MFI/temper/run1.  Copy the message file to run1/message.1.  Then from the $ZEFSADIR/scan directory, run the scan_it script.  You will need to set the rundir variable in that script as well as the value of nT.  Note that the file start_n12.dat  already already exists in the directory $ZEFSADIR/examples/MFI/temper.  Then type
Enter 1000 as the maximum energy value.  Probably only one topologically unique structure will be collected from the run.  That structure should be MFI.  The coordination sequence for MFI is
    4  11  22  36  61  93 120 154 200 255   956
    4  11  23  39  62  93 119 153 204 254   962
    4  12  21  36  61  90 122 159 196 251   952
    4  12  21  37  63  90 121 155 201 253   957
    4  12  22  38  59  92 125 159 202 250   963
    4  12  22  39  64  91 117 158 209 247   963
    4  12  22  40  61  88 124 156 197 253   957
    4  12  22  41  61  88 125 159 198 250   960
    4  12  23  37  62  91 120 157 206 250   962
    4  12  23  38  59  89 126 161 196 246   954
    4  12  24  38  56  90 132 164 193 241   954
    4  12  24  38  63  93 123 157 206 247   967

The histogram from this parallel tempering run can be created with the command
The histograms can be plotted with the command
    xmgr hist_*.dat
For the MFI example, the temperatures were not well-optimized. In particular, the histograms of systems 2 and 3 do not overlap very much. The structure was still relatively easy to solve, however, even with these non-optimal temperatures.

MFI histogram

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